31 August 2010

Another Day, Another Dilemma

I've acquired fully-blown restless leg syndrome (RLS). It isn't pretty. Between that and the horrible habit that is smoking, I'm a wreck of nerves. I manage it rather well, but give me 5 minutes of doing nothing, or worse- waiting, and I'm pretty much doing jumping jacks for no reason.

I'm awaiting the new roommate to settle into my old place. The place where memories were had and lives and emotions were forsaken. Many decisions were presented in the dwelling that I occupy, many highs were had and many lows were magnified. All of this, however, was a means to an end. Do I believe in fate? Possibly. Do I know that my destiny is in my own hands? Yes.

The next few ____ will undoubtedly be interesting. I haven't had solace in a while. I haven't been on my own in a while. I look forward to adventuring into the unknown on my own. It will happen shortly. I don't expect much help, nor do I want any, but some company would be appreciated.


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