6 March 2008

By the summer of '96,

her body was cracked like porcelain...

People say that February is the longest month of the year. Its the shortest... hate to break it to you. I mean sure its cold and dark and depressingly repetitive but those reasons don't make it stretched out for anything more than 31 days.

Now that thats off my chest...

I miss my childhood. Not necessarily my youth-- I'm still young yo! I miss the innocence of being incapable of survival. Right now, I'm surviving and its shocking. Something dies when you grow older, but you do the best you can... the best hasn't been happening the last few days. I find the rewards (of my decisions) weren't half what I hoped for, so this puts me in a introverted mood. Hopefully its not mistaken for being depressed or a depression. I sometimes am tricked into thinking that. It could on the other hand, be seasonal. Its difficult to meet someone who despises summertime. There are so many ways to kill time its surreal. Summer in Montreal is great too. I like summer.

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