4 March 2009

A good friend recently told me that I was not a suit. This was comforting. No one wants to be a suit. I've decided that if all goes south, so will I. The complete polar opposite of a suit is a vagabond. If there is no 9-5 future I might as well let the vagabusiness start. Is this possible? I'd love to prove this friend wrong but I don't think it is going to happen anytime soon. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with wearing a suit to go to work, in the literal sense. Its just that the overall identity behind being a suit is so... expected, calculated, and compromising. Here's to the suit in sheep's clothing. Here's to the wolf that wears a tie. Hopefully they don't get any closer than they need to be.

note: vagabusiness is not what you think it is. pervert.

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