28 October 2010

There's a First Time for E'erthing

This is the first time in a long time I've taken a joint to bed. Last time was the best time. I had company and it was fine. I had patience and it was fine. I had peace of mind. It was fine.


I cannot help but express the deepest gratitude for the people who stay truest to you. It is strange, but this sentiment can only be found in the people that are closest to you, yet the least intimate at the same time. I mean, yeah, I did almost sleep with me best friend, but that was something that helped the pair of us. I was actually able to appreciate something in all of that. It created this mutual, long-lasting, and profound admiration for one another.

And now as I realize that this wasn't such a good idea to have plastered over the internet. I still find comfort in my anonymity. What the fuck do I care though.


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